Thursday, January 31, 2013


Wednesday is about weaving which make woof in to the cloth and it wears all the time., where you weep to weave in and out of traffic

Wednesday is about wedge, that we were wedged into the bus and to wedge the way through a crowd.

Wednesday is about wee. Yes, we are wee if it compared to The Merciful, Allah. Or.. presuppose with “highest person” that you can’t hide. Or.. you suppose to be the mistaker.

Wednesday is about weed in the backyard, which can be unweed to the somekind of weeder. It looks like grasses and it’s more greener int the other side.

Wednesday is about carrying people to a good circumstance, where false become true, and situation is going to be occupation

Wednesday is about mistaken, when appropriate thing mus be reasonable, fit into the frame, and schema properly set. Then all of sudden, they are errorneous, it thunderstrucks

Wednesday is about rolling hard. Sometimes, it is running to the rough, previously down town the city trans, eventhough there always smile in the sunset, endorse full of swarm, “Crowd”

When you feel empty space, to the crowded people. Then you perceive that no one could hear, don’t be fearful because someone you love never miss your step. She never ever forgets to say “take care”. And preciously really know where ever you are.

Wednesday there is so many ways to be calm. But I thank God, I still find the way to come back home..

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Baristanian, Thanks for great Tazo

in mean time, when I had already finished shopping, I got a pain with all of my shopping baskets. Then, I looked a coffee shop, "hmmm,, I think this could get the pain out. (out of my head). hehe.

"But hey, i don't like coffee, can you give me another choice ?", I say to Barista

"You should try Tazo tea, the most impressive tea with all of refreshing treatment. And taste too", He says to me.

Then, This is it...

Tazo tea with mint

"You look unwell, so I draw you smile", Barista say

That's why Starb*cks has a lot of customers, they serve us as a friend or family..

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Nasihat Orang Yang Sedih Dan Sudah Tahu Caranya Tersenyum

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013, sepanjang hari, :

Senyumlah walau hanya berpura-pura. Selanjutnya, senyum itu bakal jadi senyum betulan.

Senyumlah langsung ketika kamu kena musibah. Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Melihat mengawasi reaksimu, dan Iblis menantikan kekafiranmu

Ekspresi wajahmu mewakili seberapa besar kegelisahanmu. Karena itu, suruhlah dirimu supaya tersenyum
Poin penting bahwa rezeki kamu sudah Allah tentukan, sudah ditulis, dan lembarannya telah mengering, supaya kamu tidak hidup dalam lamunan dan terlalu banyak berangan-angan kepada Allah. Senyumlah..

Manfaatkan umur kamu. Umur itu cuma soal waktu. Betapa banyak waktu terbuang sia-sia karena membayangkan masa lalu yang menyedihkan, atau merisaukan masa depan yang belum jelas.


Terinspirasi dari obrolan (dan nasihat) Ibu Bhayangkari mengenai hujan, banjir, dan bagaimana Allah mengatur kesemuanya

Nice talks, Mam..